We talk to the man behind Spy Guys and Gals, the biggest spy book resource online!

Can he whittle down over 7000 spy books to just 5! Its Dead Drop 5 time!
– Dead Drop 5 book choices to appear soon, Go listen to the show and then come back and check out Randall Masteller's selection.
SpyGuysandGals is the biggest resource online for spy books. Randall has profiled over 7000 books and grades the major characters in the spy genre. Check out his spy character grades here
Our good friend Mike Ripley, author of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang – The Boom in British Thrillers from Casino Royale to The Eagle has Landed claims that Randall has probably read more spy books than anyone else on the planet and we are inclined to agree. On this episode of the Spybrary Spy Podcast, Randall selects his five favourite spy novels. This episode is a must listen for spy fans!
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What do you think of Randall's selection? Come and join in the discussion our Spybrary Listeners Facebook Group with other spy book fans!
Oh, Shane! The Calder and Behrens stories are wonderful. Randall is absolutely correct. The dog he mentions belongs, iirc, to Mr. Calder, and is a Persian deerhound named Rasselas. So worth seeking out. Such a relatively small output, you’ll wish there were more.