On Episode 61 of the Spybrary Spy Podcast, Shane and Karl talk about the recently released book from Geoff Dyer titled ‘Broadsword Calling Danny Boy' on Where Eagles Dare. In this no holds barred discussion two well read spy fans give you their assessment of the book.
In the interest of being balanced please do check out Mike Ripley's latest column ‘Getting Away With Murder‘ where he writes about Broadsword Calling Danny Boy and also check out his thoughts in the comments below.

Karl Gunner Øen becomes the first Norwegian spy fan to join us on the Spybrary Spy Podcast. Karl is an avid reader of spy lit and watcher of spy movies. We talk briefly about spy fiction in Norway as well as the activities of real life Norwegian Spy Catcher Ørnulf Tofte. Please check out this video about the KGB in Oslo. Especially of interest if you have read The Spy and The Traitor by Ben Macintrye as it concerns one Arne Treholt who features in the book.
Karl also talks about the works of Alistair MacLean. Shane admits he has never read any.

Spy Books, Spy Movies and Spy resources referenced on Episode 61 of the Spybrary Spy Podcast
- Broadsword Calling Danny Boy on Where Eagles Dare – Geoff Dyer
- Running Blind – Desmond Bagley
- The Bagley Brief – Recommended Website about Desmond Bagley
- Arctic Patrol Mystery (Hardy Boys) – Franklin W Dixon
- Three Days of the Condor (Movie)
- Six Days of the Condor (Novel) – James Grady
- The Great Escape Movie
- Carl Hamilton Novels
- Jan Guillou
- Spy and The Traitor – Ben Macintyre
- Alistair MacLean
- Maurits Hansen
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According to Jack Webster’s biography of him, MacLean was appalled at the violence in the film when he saw it at the premiere and said “This is terrible! I didn’t kill as many Germans as this!”.
Good luck with the book, Shane. Can’t believe you’ve never read a MacLean. How young are you? How old am I?
I read Dyer’s book on a 90-minute train journey and laughed a lot, though I never thought ‘Where Eagles Dare’ was the apex of 1960s war movies. I’d certainly put up a case for “The Great Escape” and for quality drama rather than just entertainment, “The Train” is superb.
Yes I am not sure why I did not read any MacLean. I read some Innes but never any of Alistair’s, surprising really as I enjoyed some of the movie adaptations. I do have some of his books here but just not got around to reading them.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Dyer’s book. I am not comfortable criticizing other author’s work when I can barely put a sentence together, there is a reason why I podcast and do not write. I have added your comments to the main post above with a link to your most recent column so we can at least offer a balanced opinion.
I am off to check out ‘The Train!