On today's Spybrary Spy Podcast, Jeff Quest of the legendary Spywrite Spy blog chats Espionage Magazine with Josh Pachter.
“This episode, I'm talking with Josh Pachter about the mid eighties digest Espionage Magazine.
It was dedicated to doing something we hadn't seen before.
Printing short spy fiction.
Josh has been a published author since he was 16 years old and had numerous pieces published in that magazine and has had pieces published in various magazines over the years.
And to that effect, he's the most recent recipient of the Short Fiction Mystery Society's Golden Derringer.
Josh's latest project is the misadventures of Nero Wolfe, a collection of parodies and pastiches about one of the great 20th century detectives. If you're interested in that project, you can hear more about it in an interview. I did with Josh, for my podcast, Like the Wolfe, but let's turn to spies first.”

Josh Pachter Website-
Misadventures of Nero Wolfe –
Misadventures of Ellery Queen –
The Beat of Black Wings –
Digest Magazine – http://larquepress.com/the-digest-enthusiast/
Issue #7 has Josh’s Espionage article
Issues #8 and #9 have Josh’s story “The Defenestration of Prague”
Ellery Queen’s Magazine –
Submission guidelines for The Department of First Stories – https://www.elleryqueenmysterymagazine.com/contact-us/writers-guidelines/
Jeff’s site –

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[…] Episode 116 – I took a look back at Espionage Magazine with writer Josh Pachter. […]