On Episode 79 of the Spybrary Spy Podcast, our guest panel discuss the works of James Bond, 007 continuation author, John Gardner

The cool thing about hosting and producing the Spybrary Spy Podcast is I get to discover wonderful spy books and espionage authors. The downside of hosting a spy podcast, is I just don't have the time to get to them all.
I know many of you are asking for specials on the books of Quiller, Ambler and Jason King continues to demand 3 hour specials on all of the Tom Clancy novel
So I am always delighted when a member of the Spybrary community steps forward to host an episode on books or authors I have not personally read.
John Gardner – British Spy Writer.
Alice Dryden (huskyteer on twitter) hosted her first ever panel on the show as she wanted to discuss the works of British spy writer John Gardner.
So on episode 79 of the Spybrary Spy Podcast I hand over the John Gardner file to Alice and she brings in two new Spybrary Field Agents, a big welcome to Brian McKaig and Edward Biddulph.
Sit back and enjoy this wide ranging chat about the 007 books of John Gardner and of course, two new guests, means two new quick fire (remember them?) sessions.
If there is a spy book, movie, film, tv show or author you want to discuss, do let me know. Spybrary is truly by spy fans for spy fans.
Links and Resources Mentioned on Episode 79 of the Spybrary Spy Podcast.
- Follow Alice on Twitter
Edward Biddulph Online
Brian McKaig Online
- The Bondologist Blog
- The Bondologist Blog on Facebook

Spybrary Facebook Group – come chat with like minded spy fans and authors.

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