Welcome to Spybrary, the ultimate podcast for fans of spy books. In this thrilling episode, we have a special guest, David Clark, who worked as a Special Advisor to former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook. David has an intellectual and professional interest in intelligence, making him the perfect guest for today's topic: Revealing his 5 Best Spy Books!
In this episode of Dead Drop 5 – David takes us on a gripping journey through the realms of espionage with his recommendations for the best spy novels out there. His spy book choices are thrilling page-turners that will keep us on the edge of our seats and running to a bookshop if we do not have these spy novels on our bookshelves.
Spy book fan David Clark finds himself embedded deep in Communist-controlled East Berlin, and has asked his handler to leave him 5 of his favorite spy books at the Dead Drop location in Friedrichshain Park.
Join us on the Spy Book Podcast, Spybrary, and discover the thrilling world of spy books in our exclusive series, ‘Dead Drop 5'.
Spy Books and Dead Drops…what is this series exactly?

This riveting series is a crowd favorite, but be warned, your bank balance may take a hit based on these spy book recommendations. In these episodes, our brave podcast guests are dispatched on a clandestine mission behind the Iron Curtain, where danger lurks at every shadowy corner.
But fear not, they won't embark on this perilous journey unequipped.
Our intrepid agents can request five spy novels to be stashed in the East Berlin dead drop.
But that's not all.
Beyond these spy books, our guests are granted a selection of diverse items, each carefully curated to make their stay in East Berlin more manageable, perhaps even a touch more comfortable.
Join host Shane Whaley as he interviews David Clark about his upcoming mission to East Berlin and the five books he would like to take.
Get ready to dive into ‘Dead Drop 5', only on Spybrary, but be warned this series could seriously damage your bank account!
Spy Book Recommendations: Discover the Top 5 Favorites of Our Podcast Guest David Clark
The Secret Agent – by Joseph Conrad
The Intercom Conspiracy by Eric Ambler
The Double Game by Dan Fesperman
Big Bear Little Bear by David Brierley
The Debriefing by Robert Littell
Resources and other Spy Books Mentioned on this episode with David Clark on the Spybrary Spy Podcast
The Spybrary Online Community – by spy book fans for spy fans.
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Absolute Friends by John le Carre
The Human Factor by Graham Greene
Chesterton The Man Who Was Thursday – Andy Onyx Spy Book review
Winter Work by Dan Fesperman
Dead Man Telling Tales by David Brierley
Cold War by David Brierley
The Company by Robert Littell
Sabre Tooth by Peter O'Donnell
[…] the espionage classics of the Cold War to build a spellbinding story. This book was featured in David Clark's recent Dead Drop 5 episode on the Spybrary Spy […]
[…] David Clark's five best spy books […]