
best spy writers
Spy Writer Edward S Aarons
Spy Writer Edward S Aarons Active: 1955-75Key works: Assignment Tokyo, Assignment Budapest, Assignment to Disaster, Assignment Suicide Ranked 100th in the Tim Shipman Best Spy Authors ListEdward S Aarons wrote more than 80 pulp fiction thrillers, 42 of which featured CIA operative Sam Durrell. Every one of them starts with the word Assignment. The first was Assignment to Disaster. Aarons...
The best spy writers
Jump to… Wild Cards Pre- 1920 1920-1950 1950-1970 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000s 2010s to Today The Other 170 must-read spy authors by Tim Shipman. Let’s just call this project the Top 300 spy writers. As promised, I’ve now augmented the main list of 125 best spy writers I have enjoyed with what follows: more than...
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