007: Ian Fleming and the Books of Bond
Ian Fleming and the books of Bond on Spybrary with host Shane Whaley and special guest Fleming expert Tom from Artistic Licence Renewed.
Welcome to Episode 007 of Spybrary where we talk all about…Harry Palmer. Only kidding, there is only one spy we will be focusing on today and that is Mr James Bond.
We are not going to talk so much about the films today, but have a chat about the books of Bond, written by Ian Fleming. We are joined by Fleming expert, Tom, the man behind the wonderful website Artistic Licence Renewed aka Literary007.com
Tom set up his blog 4 years ago which pays tribute to the literary and artistic side of James Bond and to the life and craft of Ian Fleming.
In this episode of Spybrary Spy Podcast you will learn:
- When did Tom read his first Ian Fleming James Bond book and which one was it?
- What made him come back for more?
- Ok the elephant in the room – Fleming was bit of a mysoginist wasn’t he? Some of his writing is very, shall we say, politically incorrect? How do you feel about that when reading the books?
- How much of James Bond is Ian Fleming?
- What is a good Ian Fleming book for those who have never read any of his novels before?
- And for those who know the movies but not the books, how do they differ?
- I know Timothy Dalton read the originals, did any of the other 007 actors?
- Do the books include the gadgets
- Other authors went on to write Bond books after Fleming’s death, are you fan of those?
- Tell us about Artistic Licence Renewed – why did you start it?
- Why should people visit?
- What is Tom's favorite 007 book cover?
- Which biographies of Ian Fleming Tom recommends.
For the record the James Bond of the books in contrast to the movies, not only does not enjoy killing people, he does not actually kill that many of them. Over the course of 14 books he accounts for a mere 38 deaths – that is by his own hand.
And Much Much More, in fact in an effort to keep the show around the hour mark, we had to skip many of the questions so we hope Tom will come back soon to talk more Ian Fleming, James Bond and spies!
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Resources talked about on Episode 007 of Spybrary with Shane Whaley

Henry Chancellors' James Bond, the Man and his World is an excellent Ian Fleming companion.

Tom recommends the following as good biographies of Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming – Andrew Lycett
The Life of Ian Fleming – John Pearson
Goldeneye – where Bond was Born. Ian Fleming's Jamaica – Matthew Parker
The Man with the Golden Typewriter: Ian Fleming's James Bond Letters – Fergus Fleming (nephew of Ian.)
You Only Live Once – Memories of Ian Fleming – Ivar Bryce
Find out more about Tom and his work at Artistic Licence Renewed:
– Website – Literary007
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