
Dead Drop 5
Tim Shipman on Dead Drop 5
Today’s guest finds himself embedded deep in Communist-controlled East Berlin, and has asked his handler to leave him 5 of his favorite spy books at their Dead Drop location in Friedrichshain Park. What will he choose to help him cope with life undercover? Author, Spy Fan and Political Editor of the Sunday Times, Tim Shipman,...
Dead Drop 5 on the Spybrary Spy Podcast
Dead Drop 5 on the Spybrary Spy Podcast with Ian Sanders   Are you ready for our second installment of DEAD DROP 5? Today’s guest is no stranger to East Germany. He is deep under cover, embedded in Communist East Berlin, he has asked his SIS handler to leave him 5 of his favorite spy...
We talk Mick Herron, Ian Fleming, Len Deighton, John Le Carre and many more on Dead Drop 5 Today we launch a new series for Spybrary, it is called DEAD DROP 5. Today’s guest is deep under cover, behind the wall embedded in Communist East Berlin, he has asked his SIS handler to stash 5...
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