Paranoid Visions -Spies, conspiracies and the secret state in British television drama, interview with Joseph Oldham (132)

Paranoid Visions by Joseph Oldham
Spywrite's Jeff Quest in conversation with author Joseph Oldham

Jeff Quest (Spywrite) chats with the author of Paranoid Visions, Joseph Oldham. Paranoid Visions explores the history of the spy and conspiracy genres on British television, from 1960s Cold War series through 1980s conspiracy dramas to contemporary ‘war on terror’ thrillers. It analyses classic dramas including Tinker Tailor Soldier SpyEdge of DarknessA Very British Coup, and Spooks.

This book will be an invaluable resource for television scholars interested in a new perspective on the history of television drama and intelligence scholars seeking an analysis of the popular representation of espionage with a strong political focus, as well as fans of cult British television and general readers interested in British cultural history.

Paranoid Visions: Spies, conspiracies and the secret state in British television drama

Joseph Oldham Twitter – 

Bird of Prey TV series – Link to DVD –

The Sandbaggers is currently free to stream at 

Oldham on End of the Line, John le Carré’s Armchair Theater episode and other le Carré television adaptions – 

Jeff Quest’s website – 

Jeff Quest’s Twitter – 

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