
Bernard Samson
Len Deighton Books
Where to Start Reading Len Deighton Introduction to Len Deighton's Spy Books Guide Len Deighton is one of the most influential authors in espionage fiction, renowned for his gripping Cold War thrillers and the creation of the nameless anti-hero featured in his Harry Palmer series. Known for his realistic portrayal of espionage, dark humor, and...
Spybrary Len Deighton/Bernard Samson meet up in Berlin 2018
Listeners of Spybrary met up in Berlin to follow in the footsteps of Len Deighton's Bernard Samson. Be a fly on the wall as the Spybrarians visit Berlin landmarks. Listen to the spy book, tv, movie and music chat as the beers flow!Full shownotes to appear soon.
Len Deighton
Follow in the steps of Bernard Samson – Len Deighton Meetup – Berlin Update: Listen to a special message that Len Deighton has sent us on Episode 50 of the Spybrary Spy Podcast! Rob Mallows from the Deighton Dossier returns to the show to talk with Spybrary Spy Podcast host Shane Whaley. We talk through...