Ian Fleming Readers Guide Introduction to the books of Ian Fleming Ian Fleming is the legendary creator of James Bond, one of the most iconic characters in popular culture. A former British Naval Intelligence officer, Fleming drew upon his real-life experiences to craft the thrilling adventures of 007. His novels, filled with glamour, danger, and...
Prepare to experience Ian Fleming's James Bond novels as if reading them for the first time in the year of publication, as we embark on this 007 James Bond literary adventure together. Shane Whaley – Spybrary Podcast Host Welcome to our book club episode on On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, Ian Fleming's eleventh James Bond...
According to the Independent, Biffy Dunderdale appears in over 60 books and websites, but no one has ever written his life story. “He was rather like a ghost one knew was there, but the apparition never stood still long enough for a clear view,” says Spicer. Wilfred “Biffy” Dunderdale: A Life of Espionage On today's...
The James Bond Book Club Prepare to experience Ian Fleming's James Bond novels as if reading them for the first time in the year of publication, as we embark on this 007 James Bond literary adventure together. Shane Whaley – Spybrary Podcast Host Are you a fan of the Ian Fleming James Bond books? If...
On His Majesty's Secret Service with author Charlie Higson Welcome to Spybrary, the podcast dedicated to spy and espionage books. In this episode, your host, Shane Whaley, is joined by special guests Charlie Higson and Mark Ashby to discuss the updated and revised paperback edition of On His Majesty's Secret Service. Charlie Higson, author of...
The James Bond Book Club Prepare to experience Ian Fleming's James Bond novels as if reading them for the first time in the year of publication, as we embark on this 007 James Bond literary adventure together. Shane Whaley – Spybrary Podcast Host Are you a fan of the Ian Fleming James Bond novels? If...
The James Bond Book Club Prepare to experience Ian Fleming's James Bond novels as if reading them for the first time in the year of publication, as we embark on this 007 James Bond literary adventure together. Shane Whaley – Spybrary Podcast Host Are you a fan of the Ian Fleming James Bond novels? If...
The Complete Man Nicholas Shakespeare's Ian Fleming biography If you're a devoted fan of spy books and the legendary James Bond, you've likely explored the biographical works of Ian Fleming by esteemed authors such as John Pearson and Andrew Lycett and are wondering if The Complete Man Nicholas Shakespeare's Ian Fleming biography is worth reading....
In this episode of the Spybrary Spy Book Podcast, it's Dead Drop 5, and guest James Bond Bondologist Matthew Dewhurst-Grice reveals his five best James Bond novels. These are the James Bond books that he has asked his handler to stash in a dead drop behind the Iron Curtain He shares how he first discovered...
The James Bond Book Club Ian Fleming's Goldfinger on the James Bond Book Club Prepare to experience Ian Fleming's James Bond novels as if reading them for the first time in the year of publication, as we embark on this 007 James Bond literary adventure together. Shane Whaley – Spybrary Podcast Host Are you a...