Today sees the release of John le Carre‘s most recent work, Agent Running In The Field in paperback. To celebrate its publication, John le Carre fan and Spybrarian Clarissa Aykroyd deliver us a quick brush pass review about Agent Running In The Field. Available on Amazon UK, Amazon US and in all good bookshops including...
A Small Town in Germany by John le Carre Writer and Spybrary Spy Podcast listener Andy Onyx gives you his thoughts on A Small Town In Germany written by John le Carre in a quick and easy Brush Pass review. Brush Pass – a quick review from Spybrary listeners on the books they love (and...
Spybrary Podcast Round Table Discussion about Agent Running In The Field by John le Carre Agent Running In the Field gets the Spybrary deep-dive treatment on Episode 93 of the Spybrary Podcast. Joining our John le Carre, Agent Running In The Field Round Table is John le Carre fans and spy bloggers Matthew Bradford and...
Could you make the cut as a Cold War Spy? Spybrary Spy Podcast Listener Clarissa Aykroyd reviews her experience of John le Carre's The Circus, a new immersive spy game in London. On Sunday, 9 September I took part in ‘John le Carré’s The Circus’, a real-life spy game devised by...
Charles Cumming – British Spy Writer talks about his work, on the Spybrary Spy Podcast Welcome to Episode 51 of the Spybrary Spy podcast today we have a stellar interview lined up for you with British spy writer Mr. Charles Cumming David Craggs, ‘Our Man in the U.K.' goes to West London to interview Charles...
Transmission received from Spybrarian Matthew Kresal: Review of The Little Drummer Girl by John le Carre. One of the familiar tropes of the spy genre is an intelligence agency recruiting a civilian into an operation. In fact, one might even say it's become a cliche at this point. So perhaps it comes as something of...
The True Story of Oleg Penkovsky with Author Jeremy Duns Thrilling, evocative and hugely controversial, Codename: Hero blows apart the myths surrounding one of the Cold War's greatest spy operations and potentially it's greatest spy Oleg Penkovsky In the late 1950s the USSR appeared to be winning the arms race: their 1949 nuclear...
Tom Colgan is our special guest on episode 44 of the Spybary Spy Podcast with host Shane Whaley Tom is an Editorial Director of Berkley Books which is an imprint of Penguin Random House. Over a thirty year (actually 33 but who's counting?) publishing career he has worked with many authors including Tom Clancy, Mark...
This week, Spybrary Spy Podcast Host Shane Whaley welcomes author and travel writer August Thomas to speak about her debut novel, Liar’s Candle. Introduced to the podcast by Professor Penny Fielding, August has lived and studied in Scotland and Turkey, where she pursued a Master’s Degree on a Fulbright Scholarship. August began writing Liar’s...
Today’s guest finds himself embedded deep in Communist-controlled East Berlin, and has asked his handler to leave him 5 of his favorite spy books at their Dead Drop location in Friedrichshain Park. What will he choose to help him cope with life undercover? Author, Spy Fan and Political Editor of the Sunday Times, Tim Shipman,...