Spybrary's David Clark talks spy fiction and A Spy At War – the sequel novel from former MI6 Officer Charles Beaumont 🔥 In This Episode: He's back. Former MI6 officer turned critically acclaimed novelist, Charles Beaumont returns to the Spybrary podcast on the launch day of his second novel, A Spy at War, the highly...
Welcome to the third episode of Section F – our Spy Movie Podcast track on Spybrary. Our Section F handpicked hosts and guests discuss their favourite spy movies both the classics and the hidden gems of spy films. Today Section F delve into the 1963 movie adaptation of Ian Fleming's From Russia With Love starring...
Fmr CIA analyst turned podcast host and author David McCloskey in conversation with Tim Shipman David McCloskey and Tim Shipman Discuss The Seventh Floor and the return of Artemis Proctor In this engaging conversation, The Sunday Times Chief Political Commentator and spy fiction fan Tim Shipman interviews David McCloskey, the ex-CIA analyst turned award-winning spy...
Prepare to experience Ian Fleming's James Bond novels as if reading them for the first time in the year of publication, as we embark on this 007 James Bond literary adventure together. Shane Whaley – Spybrary Podcast Host Welcome to our book club episode on On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, Ian Fleming's eleventh James Bond...
The Real Miss Moneypenny And The Unsung Heroines of Espionage: Her Secret Service In the latest episode of Spybrary, host Shane Whaley engages in a riveting discussion with historian and author Dr. Claire Hubbard-Hall. Known for her expertise in the history of women in intelligence, Claire brings to light the overlooked yet monumental roles women...
According to the Independent, Biffy Dunderdale appears in over 60 books and websites, but no one has ever written his life story. “He was rather like a ghost one knew was there, but the apparition never stood still long enough for a clear view,” says Spicer. Wilfred “Biffy” Dunderdale: A Life of Espionage On today's...
The untold story of Robert Bruce Lockhart – Rogue Agent. Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart, a Scottish diplomat, spy and writer, led a life filled with adventure and intrigue. While his involvement in the famed Lockhart Plot of 1918 is often cited, there is much more to uncover about Robert Bruce Lockhart's life. Professor James Crossland,...
Karla's Choice author Nick Harkaway Shares More About The Return of George Smiley Nick Harkaway Discusses Karla's Choice, Writing in His Father's World, and More on the Spybrary Podcast. Karla's Choice sees the return of John le Carré‘s George Smiley. Today we're joined by his son, the author Nick Harkaway, along with die-hard John le...
Shane Whaley – host of the Spybrary Podcast We have made it to Episode 250! Hear this special message from Spybrary founder Shane Whaley talking about Spybrary's future as well as a fun conversation Spybrarians, I need your intel! Eight years ago, I never imagined I'd be here, asking this question. When I launched the...
In this episode of the Spybrary Spy History Podcast, host Adam Brookes interviews Barry Werth author of Prisoner of Lies: Jack Downey's Cold War.This remarkable true cold war spy story of the longest-held prisoner of war in American history, John Downey, Jr., a CIA officer captured in China during the Korean War and imprisoned for...