
Spybrary Tea Break
Spy Author Interviews on the Spybrary Spy Podcast. C.P.Bennison joins us on our Spybrary Tea Break to share more about her latest spy book Parallel Shadows Spybrary Spy Book Podcast host Shane Whaley takes time away from the East German Desk to enjoy a 15-minute tea break interview with spy authors. ‘More Robert Harris, than...
The Glimmer Girl
Spybrary Spy Book Podcast host Shane Whaley takes time away from the East German Desk to enjoy a 15 minute tea break with spy authors. ‘Day of the Jackal meets The Wicker Man.'Author Andy Onyx joins us on our Spybrary Tea Break to share more about his latest book The Glimmer Girl. In the earliest...
Spybrary Spy Book Podcast host Shane Whaley takes time away from the East German Desk to enjoy a 15 minute tea break with spy authors. Today Derek Thompson, author of spy thriller novel Standpoint tells us more about his first book in his Thomas Bladen spy thriller series. The Spybrary Tea Break is a brand...
Shane takes time away from the East German Desk to enjoy a 15 minute tea break with spy authors. Today CG Faulkner, author of The Edge of Reality tells us more about his first book in his Cold War Trilogy – The Edge Of Reality. The Spybrary Tea Break is a brand new series. Spend...
Spy Books Interviews
Interviews with Spy Authors about their Spy Books ‘There are so many great spy books out there but not enough time to read them all.'These are the words you will hear many spy book readers utter when they hear about a new spy book coming out or a recommendation from one of our Spybrarian grandees...